How can I contact Pups and Poses?

You can email us at support@pupsandposes.com where our customer service team will be happy to help you with whatever you need!

Do you offer classes all around the GTA?

Yes, just check our website/Instagram for our weekly updates regarding location.


What breed of puppies do you have? 

 It depends on the week! Check out our Instagram page for more updates @pupsandposesyoga

What time should I arrive to the class?

 Please come 15 minutes before the class so we can get you signed in! If you arrive late we will not be able to let you in as it will disrupt both the class and the puppies. We thank you for your corporation in advance!

Can I adopt the puppies?

 Yes. The breeder will be on sight to answer any of your questions regarding adoption!


Do I need to bring my own yoga mat?

Preferably yes, however, if you do not own a yoga mat we have mats available for rent.


What should I wear to a puppy yoga class?

Please wear athletic attire as you will need clothing that allows maximum mobility and optimal comfort when participate in our yoga session.


Can all ages attend a puppy yoga class?

Only individuals aged 5 and up are allowed to attend our Puppy Yoga class. This age restriction ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for both participants and our furry friends. Younger children may not have the ability to interact with the puppies in a controlled manner, and their safety is our top priority. Thank you for understanding.


Can I wear jewelry during a Puppy Yoga class?

While you can wear jewelry, we recommend avoiding dangly earrings and large necklaces, as they may pose a choking hazard for the puppies or lead to accidental pulling. We are not responsible for any damage, so please be cautious and wear jewelry that doesn't pose a risk to yourself or the playful pups. Feel free to accessorize yourself as long as it ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.


Can I wear perfume?

Please avoid wearing perfume to the class, as puppies are sensitive to smells. They may be drawn to the scent and might lick areas where you applied perfume, such as your neck and wrists, during playtime. To ensure a distraction-free and enjoyable experience for both you and the puppies, we recommend refraining from wearing perfume. We will provide wipes at the start of the class incase you forget!